
All configuration related to the PREMIS Event Service takes place inside your project’s file.

Note: Make sure you only make changes in your project’s, not the file inside the premis_event_service app directory.

Mandatory Configuration

  1. Update your INSTALLED_APPS setting as follows:

  2. Make sure you have a TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting defined containing at least the entries shown below:

  3. In your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting, remove or comment out the CsrfViewMiddleware entry:

  4. Add a MAINTENANCE_MSG setting at the bottom of the file:

    MAINTENANCE_MSG = ''  # Message to show during maintenance

Customizing the Controlled Vocabulary

Deciding on Controlled Vocabulary Design

The Premis Event Service was designed to us a wide variety of or identifiers for values within PREMIS Event Objects. That being said there are some best practices that can be suggested to new a implementer.

It is advantageous for someone implementing the Premis Event Service to make use of existing controlled vocabularies whenever possible for some of the concepts that are used throughout the application. For example the Library of Congress has added a number of Preservation Vocabulary entries to its Authorities and Vocabularies Service. Starting with these identifiers for concepts such as “Fixity Check”, “Replication”, “Ingestion”, or “Migration” is a suggestion unless there is a reason to deviate from these in a local implementation.

Additional concepts that are not covered by the Library of Congress Authorities and Vocabularies Service are those for the outcome of an event, for example “Success” and “Failure”. The Premis Event Service has placeholders set aside for these values that utilize the controlled vocabularies at the University of North Texas:

The Premis Event Service will work without fully fleshed out controlled vocabularies, and the authors have worked to give examples with reasonable values which can be added to or modified to meet local needs.

Configuring a Custom Controlled Vocabulary

The Event Service makes no attempt to validate values given to it against any set of allowed values; it is up to your policies and integrations to enforce consistency across the events you store.

However, you can change the choices that are shown in the “Search” interface by adding some statements like these to your file:

    ('', 'None'),
    ('', 'Success'),
    ('', 'Failure'),
    ('', 'None'),
    ('', 'Fixity Check'),
    ('', 'Replication'),
    ('', 'Ingestion'),
    ('', 'Migration'),