Using the Event Service

There are two ways of using the PREMIS Event Service:

  • using the web interface to view and manage events by hand
  • using the APIs to create or query events from other software workflows

This document will cover how to use the web interface and admin site. For information about the APIs, refer to the next section (API).


Browse all Events

URL: http://[host]/event/

Human readable HTML listing of events.

View a single Event

URL: http://[host]/event/[id]/

Human readable HTML listing of a single event. Contains links to other formats/representations of the event, such as PREMIS XML.

Search for Events

URL: http://[host]/event/search/

Web interface for searching events. Events can be filtered by outcome, type, start/end dates, or Linked Object ID.


Browse all Agents

URL: http://[host]/agent/

Human readable HTML listing of agents.

View a single Agent

URL: http://[host]/agent/[id]/

Human readable HTML listing of a single agent. Contains links to other formats/representations of the agent, such as PREMIS XML.