
The project’s README.rst file contains some basic installation instructions. We’ll elaborate a bit in this section.


  • Python 3.9
  • Django 4.2
  • libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
  • Django Admin - django.contrib.admin

Important security warning

This application does not attempt to authenticate requests or differentiate between clients in any way – even for write and edit operations via the API. Do not simply expose the application to the public in your server configuration. Instead, use a network firewall to whitelist the server to authorized clients, or use a web server configuration directive (such as Apache’s <LimitExcept GET>) to set up who is allowed to POST/PUT/DELETE events.


  1. Install the package.

    $ pip install git+
    $ # check for the latest release
  2. Add premis_event_service to your INSTALLED_APPS. Be sure to add django.contrib.admin if it is not already present.

        # ...
  1. Include the URLs.

    urlpatterns = [
        url(r'', include('premis_event_service.urls'))
        # ...
        url(r'^admin/', include(,
  2. Migrate the database.

    $ python migrate
  3. Continue to Administration to begin setting up Agents.